* * * Nurseries in Imaizumi and Osabe * * *
We brought the children crayons that we had bought for the catastrophe victims from the collected donation money for the nurseries in Imaizumi & Osabe.
We spoke with the head of the daycare. It was a Saturday, but there were children there. However, they still do not have any running water.
* * *Imaizumi daycare at the time of the earthquake * * *
Most of the children were taking a nap at the time of the earthquake. The children safely moved up to a small hill behind the daycare with the teachers.
・As for the Imaizumi daycare, it has been completely destroyed by the tsunami.
・It took 3 days for the Imaizumi daycare to receive any sort of aide.So the teachers went to the Osabe daycare (located near the Imaizumi daycare) to see their condition.
As for the Osabe daycare, there was almost no damage due to its placement on a hill. Therefore all the children and teachers at the Imaizumi daycare moved to the Osabe daycare.
・As the Osabe daycare had its own cooking area, they were able to provide for the children and teachers from both schools for awhile.
* * * Situation of Imaizumi / Osabe during our visit on 21.05.11. * * *
•Because Imaizumi daycare was washed away, both daycares had combined at the Osabe daycare’s location.• Each child seems to have been affected in their own way due to the earthquake. Some children have one or several family members lost; some children lost their home; and others for fortunate to lose nothing at all.
• Normally, the children play without problems. But now, some children panic when they feel an aftershock.
• There are some children who are afraid to take a nap because the earthquake had occurred during their naptime.
• In the Imaizumi/Osabe nurseries, lunch is usually prepared onsite. However, at present they are unable to prepare meals on their own due to limited food supplies and a lack of water.
• Normally, the children don't see any debris or ruined landscapes because the Osabe daycare sits on a hill. If the children go on a walk outdoors, the teachers are careful to avoid destroyed areas because of the fear that if the children see them, their memories of the earthquake will return.
• The children can play no more with the game-appliances because of possible instabilities and the danger of landslides in the Osabe.
• The children, who attend the Imaizumi/Osabe nurseries at present, don't come from the shelters but come from those living in temporary housing or the houses of friends or relatives.
• In the Imaizumi/Osabe, there is not enough drawing paper
(We plan to donate drawing paper soon.)
* * * The area surrounding the town hall of Rikuzentakata * * *
・The tidal wave destroyed everything. The destroyed area is rather big. The Japanese self defense force, volunteer firefighters, and the police were still looking for the people missing since the tsunami.
・The tsunami also destroyed most of the bridges. Therefore, to reach the area one has to take many detours.
・At present, one can see here many construction vehicles, like excavators and bulldozers. Streets are being restored slowly and pylons to rebuild bridges are also being replaced.
・The Japanese self defense force and the inhabitants built a bathing area.
・Bus service has returned to the city, however there are relatively few passengers.
・The administration building (city hall) was destroyed by the tsunami and now has been moved temporarily to a more highly situated place.
・The anti-disaster headquarters was being setup near the school lunch preparation center.
* * * Visit to a house in the Yonesaki-Cho district (in Rikuzentakata) * * *
We had an interview with an inhabitant of the area. She told us the tidal wave came as far her house, however her house was fortunately not destroyed.
< Situation of the Yonesaki-Cho district>
・Our impression didn't change since we were there one month ago, there is still a lot of debris that has not yet been cleared.
・There are not any open stores there. Only a mobile grocer comes through irregularly.
Therefore, the inhabitants of the Yonesaki-Cho district must drive to Ofunato to do their shopping. However, this is not so simple because many people don’t want to leave their houses.
・One cannot buy any meat and no fish through the mobile grocer.
・The people still don't have any desire to eat fish from Rikuzentakata because many people died in the ocean.
・ Some resort hotels or facilities for visitors near the beach were washed away by the tsunami.
・The tsunami wave was very fast and the ebb after the tidal wave also came very fast
Translated by Akiko Tada /Robert Staehlin / Yuko Sakajiri
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