20.05.11 (Fri)
An old lady is living alone in the upstairs area of a house that seems unsafe to live in because of the damage caused to it by the tsunami. Even two months after the disaster, the situation here is still dangerous even near the main street of this area.
20.05.11 (Fri)
An older woman started talking to me today and told me that she was shopping when the tsunami came. Her house is still remains in the same condition as it had been after the tsunami hit, that is that it is still heavily damaged. But I think she has slowly started to clean up her house after 2months, and that has made her face the reality of the situation.
そのおば あちゃんが少しずつ話をしてくれるようになって、津波の時に買い物をしていた話をしてくれました。まだ家は津波がきた時のままで、何も片付いていなくて、 それを少しずつ片付け始めたことで2ヶ月以上たったいま、やっとこの事実を受け止め始めたんじゃないかと思いました。
An older woman started talking to me today and told me that she was shopping when the tsunami came. Her house is still remains in the same condition as it had been after the tsunami hit, that is that it is still heavily damaged. But I think she has slowly started to clean up her house after 2months, and that has made her face the reality of the situation.
お家は一階部分が浸水し、床は抜けているしたたみも壁もぼろぼ ろでした。でも、そこで杖をつくおばあちゃんが一人で暮らされていました。私たちが、水に浸かってしまってもう使えないものを捨てましょうかと提案する と、おばあちゃんは、それは嫌だと首を振りました。泥だらけでも、どれも大切なもの。
21.05.11 (Sat)
There were SDF soldiers (Japanese Self Defense Force) working near us, but for some reason it seemed we shouldn’t talk to them because they seemed so focused on the task at hand. It’s easy to talk to the city workers though. In front of the big mountains of debris which seems never ends, they (the SDF soldiers) are just doing their jobs without talking to or communicating with anybody.
22.05.11 (Sun)
We talked to people at the volunteer center in Kesennuma. The person who was in charge of most of the center’s organization was a man who works as a gym instructor in Tokyo. He talked to us very passionately about the balance between local stores and the support that is sent, how they should rebuild the local fishery, or about how we could communicate with the local small community.
気仙沼のボランティアセンターの方々にお話を伺う。 センター運営のボランティアをして いたのは東京のジムインストラクターさんでした。地元商店と物資や炊き出しのバランスは・漁業を復興するには何をすべきか・地元の小さなコミュニティとど う付き合うか等、淡々と真剣に語られていた。
23.05.11 (Mon)
Today we helped in Rikuzentakata, cleaning up the debris on an apple farm. There was a dog living there named Tom. The owner was a nice person and she gave us things to drink and talked to us. We cleaned the rice and plant fields, but there is still so much more to clean up from them.
23.05.11 (Mon)
We are slowly getting more photos and videos. The relationship we can make with the camera and without, and also the things seen through the camera changes depending on who the shooter is or what the photo or film is for.
24.05.11 (Tue)
石巻で一人で暮らされていたおばあちゃんには会えませんで した。よく家をみたらめちゃめちゃ傾いていて本当にいつ倒壊してもおかしくない。二階にいるであろうおばあちゃんは今日も一人で家を片付けていたようで す。家を離れないのは住める住めないの単純な問題ではないと今回の東北移動で直面しました
Translated by Akiko Tada /Robert Staehlin / Yuko Sakajiri
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